28 Years of Trickster Medicine! Anniversary Show


Trickster Medicine

Today is the exact 28th anniversary of the Visionary Activist Show, September 5th, 1996

First guest – James Hillman, splendiferous humming with current pertinence show, that we re-play today,

about the importance of ‘growing down’ into one’s self, recognizing demonic mythological possession at play, and awakening the imagination of everyone to dream the desirable world into being

…followed by Democracy Now clip with Gershon Baskin, with whom we dedicate to the Peace Deal he animates…

Democracy Now began the same year as Visionary Activist Show… We are Democracy Now – On Mushrooms, entheo edition, restoring astro*mytho*politico participatory literacy woof to culture…

Vision and Action be Trickster Medicine, the sine qua non for effectively  vitalizing all our dedications…..

Let’s hold many stories simultaneously, cooperating with the good in all…


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“28 Years of Trickster Medicine!”

Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Astro*Mytho Themes ($4/month) and more serious whimsy…


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