Detective Novels as deep delving way to journey into the complexity, horror and inter-mingled beauty of Saudi Arabia.

Caroline welcomes the return of Zoe Ferraris, whose detective novels, set in Saudi Arabia, are an excellent journey into that Underworld. We will be offering the last two, "City of Veils” and “Kingdom of Strangers” as enticements to pledge to Visionary Activist Show/KPFA in our Fun drive)- and I am re-reading both now, and have wild … [Read more...]

Power of the Woman Story-teller At Dark of Moon!

Caroline welcomes Zoe Ferraris, her new favorite detective novelist, tour guide into the depths of Saudi Arabia, where the outsider - woman, dreamer, Bedouin tracker can solve the crime committed against outsiders. Author of "City of Veils," "Kingdom of Strangers"- compelling depth, sizzle, cross-pollinating empathy, … [Read more...]