Time of Useful Consciousness

  "Time of Useful Consciousness” Earth Citizens Arise! Divination, dedication, political acumen Caroline welcomes return of Pat Ewing, who brings all of the above in her long journey as full service, adaptogenic political strategist in all realms…...   Patricia Ewing is the former Deputy Chief of Staff to Vice President … [Read more...]

Gen Z & Democracy

Caroline welcomes Gen Z Activist, Victor Shi for on-going election encouragement, honoring the participatory up-welling of youth vote, necessary for Democracy, hence Earth to survive… All generations contributing their customized cultural woof. Who brought what to this Renaissance? And for the second half of our show, returning political … [Read more...]

Deliberate Dedication to Democracy

Caroline Plays excerpts from team Equinox presentation, honoring Democratic Animism Now! (a magnetizing pledge incentive for $75), and co-riffs with Patricia Ewing that we may all spiral into Equinoctial Equilibrium, to be agents of cool response in a hot reactive world…   Patricia is the former Deputy Chief of Staff to Vice … [Read more...]

Re-Storying Equilibrium at Equinox by re-wedding the Land

Caroline re-welcomes up-coming election magic council co-cahooter Patricia Ewing, bringing liberating political diagnostic strategy, and Sean Padraig O’Donoghue, contributing Bardic Equinox guiding for deliberate democracy…. Equal Night & Day, Equal Mars and Venus, Equal humans and rest of our kin! “Nae King, nae Quin, we willna be … [Read more...]

Skookum Radio

Skookum Radio (calmly gathering our wits, that we be connected to the spirits, and completely competent for the work at hand.) Caroline welcomes political strategist for good, Patricia Ewing, reporting in from the Field (Pennsylvania) that we may gather our wits, settle our souls, in order to align with the Phoenix’s song that re-minds us all … [Read more...]