Generosity and Cooperation in the Natural World

  Fund Drive, Caroline magnetizes pledges by playing segments of this previous show… and offering this most wonderful book for a pledge of $150: Sweet in Tooth and Claw: Stories of Generosity and Cooperation in the Natural World Originally aired October 6th, 2022 Caroline hosts Kristin Ohlson, whose … [Read more...]

Sweet in Tooth & Claw

Caroline hosts Kristin Ohlson, whose most recent invaluable book is Sweet in Tooth and Claw: Stories of Generosity and Cooperation in the Natural World - Full Moon Waxing, that humans be inspired by such to rejoin the collaborative dance. Quoting Darwin’s contemporary, the Russian scientist-anarchist Peter Kropotkin: “Who are the fittest: those who … [Read more...]

“The Soil Will Save Us!” – Loving Disharmony back into Harmony

Caroline hosts Kristin Ohlson, dedicated author of "The Soil Will Save Us," that we may heal our partnership with the soil's living guiding ingenuity, and by doing so, embracing a long-term vision, assuming cultural narrative lead- we animate great projects which become stories that inspire other to do great things - on and … [Read more...]


Journey to the Underworld, aka soil. Word "human" comes from "humus"- dirt, from which we also derive the word "humble." Our species is meant to be in a humble partnership with dirt... (first short segment will be Tia Lebherz from Food and Water Watch on Proposition 1, and how we must vote "no!" then..) Caroline welcomes Kristin Ohlson, author of … [Read more...]