Election-Eve ° Dark of Moon ° Alchemical Magic ° Trickster Training  

5 Nov 2018

Election-Eve ° Dark of Moon ° Alchemical Magic  

Trickster Training Council 

 with guest Micah Nilsson (keeper of Pragmatic Mystic Alchemical Lore)

$13 Purchase the Recording 

After purchase, create a log-in, & access here: 11.05 Election-Eve ° Dark of Moon



An Alchemical Trickster Council to compost dread in Pluto’s Cauldron, and ladle out calm, sane dedicated influential liberating Woof! 


Pre-Election ° Dark of Moon

Trickster Training Council with Micah Nilsson 


Monday November 5th, Pre-Election, the Dark of the Moon, when, traditionally, those dedicated to collective well-being would gather to cooperate with Dark Mystery, to determine the desirable course of culture… (and to compost and tyrannical shenanigans into nutrient for sane reverent Renaissance)
and we have a guest, 
keeper of Pragmatic Mystic Alchemical Lore, Micah Nilsson, 


One of my radio guests Thursday (Day of the Dead Election Radio).




  1. I hope you all do a good job. Thank you and have a beautiful Wednesday.

Query or Blessing:
