Pre-Equinox Brewing


We are available to Mystery & Willing to Participate!

Caroline welcomes long-time ally, Mistress of Mystery, Amikaeyla…
(our shared back-stage, as we brew our Equinox zoom for Sunday 9.22 5 pm pt)

Equinox- equal night and day, equal Mars and Venus, equal humans and Flora Fauna Fungi
Democratic Animism Now! Astro*mytho*politico participatory narrative, with Ami calling in the Living Intelligences, Guardians of Life, with whom we partner… for Necessary Miracles….


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“Pre-Equinox Brewing”

Support The Visionary Activist Show on Patreon for weekly Chart & Astro*Mytho Themes ($4/month) and more serious whimsy…


Query or Blessing:
