The Earth-Sky Story is Truer Than Reality – Vernal Equinox Talk 2012

26 Mar 2012

Carolingian Virtual Vernal equinoctial exalted Moon Strategy Story

Animating the guiding earth wisdom meta-story, and spiraling it forth into the memosphere.

Recorded March 26th, 2012 as a webcast

Powerful times, so much in play, requires reciprocal blessing and mutual encouraging that each of us be our most magic selves. Magic simply means a willingness to cooperate with everything. So here be one telling of the myriad on-going tales of now, which we not only spiral forth, but simultaneously embody and ride!

This global graxxing collective cahooting went fantabulous! rapidly self-assembing many great participants from all over America, Canada, UK, South Africa, Costa Rica.

This is an MP3 download.

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Query or Blessing:
