21 Mar 2022
We all be surfing on this Full Moon Equinoctial Tide
Equinox Cahoot
with Caroline W. Casey, David Gallo & Amikaeyla Gaston
Recorded Monday, March 21st · 6pm pacific / 9pm eastern
Includes both the Audio & Video Recording
as well as more videos from David Gallo from the deep, deep sea
Donation~based, autonomy is a sacrament
suggested $23, any amount, upon intuitive whim – be welcome!
(variations on 5, sacred to Venus, be fun –
$5, $14, $23, $32, $50, $122… $500!?
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Vernal Equinox Celebration
(re-uniting Science and animism,
entheogens eager to help)
the Oceans, the waters of life are calling –
Let’s Heed the call!
by aligning with the Green Fire of emergent Spring,
that we may spiral forth sane reverent common sense into the atmospheric Community of All Beings
Animism – not a belief – just good manners!
Caroline Casey
proffering the guiding
astro* mythology of this unfurling Season
Deep deep Ocean Scientist David Gallo
speaking from the realm of Science with Soul,
on the state of the Oceans, the desirable re-designing of our educational systems, the micro-biome, the animating of the collective guiding story, and whatever he feels to contribute in a 3 way conversing, science, Orisha water songs, Guiding Mythos…
& long-time accomplice
the jubilant Amikaeyla Gaston
proffering the songs of all the Orishas of water…
Amikaeyla Gaston is an ordained syncretic priestess of a tapestry of several distinct spiritual practices from Africa, Cuba, Haiti, Brazil, and the Americas. She is the Founder and Executive Director of ICAHSI, the International Cultural Arts & Healing Sciences Institute, as well as a nuanced thought-leader, author, public speaker, performer, percussionist, and sacred ethnomusicologist/song keeper of chants from indigenous traditions around the world. She is a Cultural Ambassador for the State Department doing expansive work with political refugees, war survivors, and at-risk populations worldwide “…opening paralyzed voices and transforming wounded spirits through the miracle of her music”. – Laura R., President, Institute of Noetic Sciences.
Often called into difficult scenarios to offer inter-cultural literacy and deep restorative justice work in support of transformative and peaceful solutions, Amikaeyla is a highly sought-after public speaker and performer who shares her thoughts, songs, and music from the stage around the world. Her strong academic interest in Sacred Ethnomusicology and extensive studies with traditional healers and cultural artists around the healing effects of music led to the performance in India at the Inaugural Festival of Sacred Chanting and Singing for the commemoration of the Golden Buddha at a personal invitation by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
David Gallo is an American oceanographer and explorer. For nearly 30 years he was Director of Special Projects at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution – a preeminent, globally recognized scientific laboratory. Subsequently he was Senior Adviser for Strategic Initiatives at RMSTitanic Inc., a position he had to give up because of CoVid-19. Today, although independent he remains at the forefront of ocean exploration, participating in, being witness to and communicating the development of new technologies and scientific discoveries that shape our view of planet earth.
Dry Earth, to the right is All the Water in the World (Volume), and the speck to the right of that is All the Fresh Water (Visualization by Dave Gallo) click to enlarge
He feels strongly that instead of taking the oceans for granted we need to recognize the oceans critical role in providing the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. The oceans hold the clues to our past, they control our present, and they are the key to future life on this planet. In recognition of his role in exploration and science communications David is a recipient of a Computerworld-Smithsonian Award, the Explorer’s Club Lowell Thomas Medal, and the Frances Hutchinson Medal of the Garden Clubs of America. He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a National Fellow of The Explorers Club, a TED-All Star, and a recipient of the Lotus Club Distinguished Achievement Award.
Listen to David Gallo’s appearances on The Visionary Activist Show
Audio & Video Replay:
Donation~based, autonomy is a sacrament
suggested $23, any amount, upon intuitive whim – be welcome!
(variations on 5, sacred to Venus, be fun –
$5, $14, $23, $32, $50, $122… $500!?
Blessings for my kitties, here and at the Rainbow Bridge 🌈🐾🐈