Seven Councils of Citizen Trickster

1 Feb 2017 until 22 Feb 2017

 * Registration Open until Feb 22nd *


From Wednesday, February 1st 5pm pst/8pm est and continuing for seven weeks, Caroline is convening an international group of cahooters (through the Shift Network) for a Coyote Council of Cultural Influence to begin to create a resonant field of reciprocal blessing.


As we dedicate and move our emotional default setting to “Woof*Woof*Wanna-Play?!” – the responsive multi-storied field of serendipitous synchronicity embraces and guides us. We are the molecules through whom the Big Story converses with itself through the magic of synchronicity!  We need everyone!


Seven Council Citizen Trickster

(Seven weeks · $297.00 · hosted by the Shift Network)

One Thousand and One Nights (Sani ol-Molk)

Seven (7) 90-minute Councils with Caroline Casey (webcast or call in)

30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions with each Council

Interactive Exercises and Questions for each Council

+ Audio Recordings of each Council

PDF Transcripts of each Council

+ Facebook group for cahooting with fellow Council members


+ The Citizen Trickster Bonus Audio Collection

  • Post Cataclysmic Election Town Hall
    Audio Talk With Caroline Casey
  • Astro*Mytho*Politico*Mystery Theatre: Celebration of the Winter Solstice at a Time of Dire Beauty
    Caroline Casey’s 2016 Winter Solstice Addres
  • Liberating Tales of Shamanism & Priestesses
    Audio Dialogue With Caroline Casey and Max Dashu

Coyotes Journey by Clarence Hostler & Deborah Bince (2001)

Everything wants to be liberated with shape-shifting experimentation.

This nightmare election, has made clear that astrology is not so much for

Prediction – “What’s Gonna Happen?”, as so much for Divining –

What Qualities of Intelligence are Woofing Invitationally to us?”


The beautiful sky story of now, did not make sense for January 20th  – but makes compete sense for January 21st and henceforth… 

Jupiter opposite Uranus now: Great luck is available now for those with dedicated purpose (let us dedicate to the desirable vision at hand!)

And Mars, Chiron, Venus dancing in the sky overhead – with direct fabulous lines, quintiles of irresistible eloquence to the dedicated purpose – and 60 degree angles of opportunity between the utopian ideal and the actuality – our capacity to invoke is present – and our dedication to critique and blessing!

This is the time of Trickster Pragmatic Mysticism (Mercury in pragmatic council guides Capricorn – exactly sextile Neptune-dreams-vision-metaphoric agility) in home realm of Pisces, next to asteroid Pallas Athena, whose image is “Girl with a bugle- calling in a new tide of cultural energy.”



Interested in learning more?  Listen to the introductory call and Q&A (free downloads below)

Download the recording of the January 14th call and learn more about the upcoming council

(The above link will ask you input your email and name, putting you on the list to receive

announcements about more Carolingian events through the Shift Network)

Download and Listen to the Q&A (Queries and Antiphons) here 


cwcbbp12-20-16wsed1fullIn our ensuing course, we will delineate the guiding story that resonates within us all, in customized unique ways…

  • so that we may be most skookum (connected to the spirits and completely competent for the work at hand)
  • re-dedicate ourselves to critique and blessing 
  • to cultivate our intrinsic (endogenous) talents for collaborative kinship

We humans cannot resolve our personal and collective circumstance “by ourselves.”  Tis “by ourselves” that got us into this pickle; but only by humble willingness to collaboratively cahoot with Nature’s Guiding Evolutionary Genius (aka Trickster) may we invoke a field of reassuring serendipitous synchronicity

“O Trickster dance us into place where we can be most ourselves, do the most good, and have the most fun by cultivating and contributing our considerable gifts in a manner that is replenishing.”

When we talk about a future .. As Jim Lewis (Astro*Carto*Graphy) says, Even thinking about traveling to a place, little tendrils of us and that place begin to co-mingle … 
We are thinking about the desirable future, creating the desirable world and inviting it to incarnate, atmospherically it’s present already and now we must invite it into the molecules of reality… when we think about that future already little tendrils of us are already commingling…

We are the council of ancestors for the future.




Seven Council Citizen Trickster Course

(via Shift Network) Wednesdays at 5pm pst / 8pm est


Council 1: Story-Crafting – Becoming Trickster Medicine Storytellers

February 1st

We invoke the ancient-modern power of story. Each week we shall animate the metaphor

of the “Screen-writers’ hut,” where we convene (modeled on the hut on the Big Studio lots,

where smart beings would convene, wearing Fedoras and smoking (something)…

We shall invite historic, literal, mythological allies to be present there.

Wolfote is always there… For all of us who desire to complete a 

writing project with magical help – this be the place!


Council 2: Cultivating Reverent Irreverence & Compassion With Sizzle

Liberating Democracy

February 15th

Satire, repartee, sharp wit – all to liberate ourselves and others.

As Dorothy Parker says, “Every morning I brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.”

All wedded to the on-going art-form of our lives, that our manner of relating

be an offering (rather than an imposition), and dedicated to liberating blessing…


Council 3: Breaking Old Spells

February 22nd

Taking new, more conscious vows with Saturn & Uranus

Setting free the past by becoming disciplined wild people 


Council 4: Dedicated Acts of Beauty Invite Power Into the World 

March 1st

The Dance of Venus & Mars – on the sky stage and in our personal lives


Council 5: The Liberating Magic of Language 

March 8th

Ever deeper delving into language craft, that our vocabulary be ever expanding,

thus our intimacy with life be ever-expanding


Council 6: Becoming Artists of Atmosphere and Public Dreams

The Neptunian Realms of Influence 

March 15th

Becoming Public Dreamers—the memosphere is one of the greatest realms

of personal and cultural influence for Citizen Trickster.

The purpose of Ritual magic is to spiral into the memosphere expanded wisdom and tolerance.


Council 7: Blessing Poker – I See Your Blessing & Raise You One 

Embodying Our Customized Trickster 

March 22nd

Blessing Poker… that every critique be followed by a healing blessing…

Practicing the art of dedicated liberating blessings to all!


Join the Seven Council Citizen Trickster Course!

(7 weeks · $297.00)

Artist: Zoe Cohens Photo: Conrad Benner

Artist: Zoe Cohens Photo: Conrad Benner


  1. Hello Caroline,
    I signed up for your 7 week course because I feel inspired and happy every time I listen to you talk. Thank you for being your amazing self! I feel that I can learn and grow from what you have to offer. And I have a question – sorry, I had to work during the live question and answer session you recently offered – I’m wondering if I am the type of person who can really utilize the material in your 7 week class:

    I am a very shy person, usually fairly quiet in groups – although I’m known by family and close friends to sometimes be quick and funny – usually I’m more reserved. As I read over the weekly descriptions of the course I’m thinking I may be too shy to participate fully – or make use of your teachings outside of class – and I’m wondering if maybe this course is geared toward people who are more outgoing than I ever will be. Perhaps an astrological reading would fit me better than taking this course? I don’t want to take it and then feel like I can’t incorporate your offerings. What do you think – would an extreme introvert benefit from this course?

    Thank you for your thoughts,

  2. Rosa Zubizarreta says

    Yes! Thank you! I would love to join in!

  3. Query: Can I access the upcoming Trickster series live on my ancient iPad? I will be away from home on Wednesday evenings through February. I could download afterwards at home on Thursday but would rather be live…

    Blessing: All the best either way.

    • Eryn Alloway says

      Hi Kat! That should work out perfectly, the live calls are accessible through the website and play directly from there – so as long as you have an internet connection, all will be skookum. Downloads will also play as an mp3 through itunes/similar apps. And you can access the downloads multiple times you don’t have to worry about download limits between devices.

  4. Wanda Lambert says

    I am so sorry I missed this! Will the recordings of the classes be for sale, after the course is complete? Any chance I can still register?

    • Eryn Alloway says

      Hi Wanda, The recordings of this class will not be sold as set (great idea though) but we do have an ongoing council that is very similar on Mondays .. more information can be found at – great jaunty, reverent, fun – feel free to join at any time!

Query or Blessing:
