United Astrology Conference 2018

24 May 2018 until 29 May 2018

Chicago Downtown Marriott Hotel
540 N Michigan Ave
Chicago , IL

United Astrology Conference 2018

May 24th-29th, 2018 · Chicago, Illinois

Celebrating Earth and Sky
Be part of the world’s largest gathering of astrologers!

Caroline is presenting 3 talks: pre-conference on Thursday, Friday evening and Sunday afternoon.

Find more information & register: UACastrology.com
See conference schedule & descriptions
Join this event on Facebook


Pre-Conference Talk

There is an additional charge for all pre & post conference workshops. See add-on form to add these to your registration.

Thursday, May 24 • 1:00pm – 5:00pm

Trickster’s Astrological Mystery School Renaissance Council

Long before there were humans – there was Trickster, who with a bolt of sizzling lightning sets the whole shebang going, sizzles through time and space, through flora and fauna, into each one of our psyches, awaiting invitational animation – now! Journeying through inquisitions and imprisoning orthodoxies, it has become an ingenious excapade artist. So in this Council we honor and cultivate each planet, that we may be its liberating agent in the collective.

Conference Talks

Friday, May 25 • 4:30pm – 5:45pm

Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity via Co-operating with Nature’s Guiding Genius-Uranus in Taurus

Dominance is an evolutionary dead-end. Let us die to, lest we die from. Empire (“row you bastards”) is collapsing, but taking so much life down. Rising from the rubble the evolutionary anti-dote, a Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity: humans humbly co-operating with Nature’s Guiding Genius, aka Uranus-Trickster- in Taurus, (trining Saturn for bonus points in manifesting.) Disciplined Wildness. Unique opportunity (Jupiter) and responsibility (Saturn) to borrow Intelligence from Flora Fauna. Radically Traditional Bio-Mimicry.

Sunday, May 27 • 2:30pm – 3:45pm

Liberating Trickster: the Art of Critique and Blessing, in Personal and Collective Cahooting

Whatever planets we speak to in another is the part of them we are inviting to dance with that corresponding part of ourselves. (Why we want to discern, but not judge, because the latter invites the least evolved part of others to dance with the least evolved part of ourselves. Never pretty.) We honor each planet as representing a living Intelligence residing within us, connecting us to the world (gleaning 22 years of astro*politico radio.)

See speakers, workshops and more information: https://uacastrology.com/


Location and Lodging

UAC 2018 will be held at the Downtown Chicago Marriott

540 N Michigan Ave

Chicago, IL 60611

Phone: 1-877-303-0104

Mention UAC 2018 when booking your room to get the group rate

Contact Laura Nalbandian with any questions.



You can register for UAC as a non-member or member of one of the 5 sponsoring organizations: ACVA, AFA, AFAN, ISAR and NCGR.

If you are a member in one (or more) of these orgs, you receive a discount. If your membership to one of the 5 sponsoring organizations has lapsed, simply renew and take advantage of the membership discount.

If you’re not a member, but would like to take advantage of the member rate for the conference, you can select this registration option, and during checkout add the Triple Membership registration option for $115 (USA) or $135 (International). Must be new member to all 3 organizations to qualify for this option. You’ll find that option on the member registration checkout page.



Registration Deadlines


Registration open through May 24, 2018 (Day of Conference)

Full Conferece

Member price: $495

Non-member price: $545

Pre and Post-Conference Workshops

Member price: $120

Non-member price: $140

One-Day Pass


Sign me up!

More information: https://uacastrology.com/

Query or Blessing:
