26 Nov 2024
Available to Mystery and Willing to Participate!
Dissipating Gloom with Reciprocal Blessing….
Trickster Thanksgiving prep tonight
November 26th
Zoom Council
7 pm est
4 pm pst
by donation:
$13 encouraging min
$23 encouraged
Wild Windfalls of Wherewithal Welcome
Wait for the re-direct to the event page for zoom details after payment.
Contact with questions.
Dark o Moon
“Here we are in this little circle of firelight- we call the physical world…” (Terry Pratchett)
We gather as Jupiter, retrograde, is rising in the East, while Mercury, just now retrograde, is setting in the West….(from DC perspective)
They are in Mutual Reception –
Mercury is in Sag – Jupiter’s sign.. Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury’s sign….
Tis a beautiful dance magnetizing us to join….
that we all assume cultural narrative lead…in cahoots with the many “newses” – The mycelia news, the democratic animist news…to forge alliances, work deals,
that we are willing to be cultural agents on behalf of
what we are and love in FloraFaunaFunga…
We did elect a beautiful story – in some world-
the Neptunian world of the
Alam al-Mithral
the imaginal realm
Alam al-Mithal is the mystical dream world, transcending “realism.” It is also the place where the minds of the ancestral mentors dwell. Alam al-Mithal roughly translates from Arabic as “the world of similitudes”, also called Alam al-Khayal, “the world of the imagination.”
from whence we
Spiral liberating blessings expressed in conversational vernacular into collective Mind….
To be artists of atmosphere….
Let’s consider retrograde planets as going on a Vision Quest to re-gain their authenticity…
Power of language, story, blessing craft….
and Tis Jupiter’s week….
Thanksgiving not merely a genocidal Hallmark card – but tis significantly timed:
always the first Thursday (Jupiter’s Day) after the Sun enter Sagittarius, (Jupiter’s realm…)
Gratitude, blessing day, which be the antidote to grievance, on which tyranny runs…
Query or Blessing: