Celtic Trickster ~ Plants and Planets

2 May 2023 until 9 May 2023

Celtic Trickster- Plants and Planets

A journey from Beltane to Summer Solstice

From courtship to wedding…


7 Council Series + Beltane Replay

$380 for the whole Cahoot

May 9th to June 20th

Tuesdays 6 pm edt / 3 pm pdt

Live Video / Audio Council (& Replays after)

with Caroline W. Casey


Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue




2 Celtic Tricksters,

honoring Liberating Trickster in all traditions – all realms,

We be Ivy league anarcho-animist colleagues.

Seán brings Plant lore

Caroline brings Planets,

we both bring incantational lore,

All teased into practice…


We begin May 2nd 6 pm edt/3 pm pdt

All are invited

Beltaine Virtual Gathering

By intuitive whim donation


By consulting our own Saturn autonomy,

see if you would like to join us for the full journey,

the Council of Mutual Aid, Symbiotic Mutualism….


The ensuing 7 Tuesdays to Summer Solstice

Let’s court and wed ourselves that we may be

fully here, in our bodies, with access to all of our skills


Each Tuesday we will both present

And to and fro converse

And have time for participatory council..

But boundaried -90 minutes…

And back-stage conversing – always welcome..

With many “try this at home,” practices…


Let us be aroused/ inspired by the quirkiness of the time…

Let us be ready for the moment (as were/are the 2 Justins and Gloria)

Pisces “The book of birth of Iskandar” Credit: Wellcome Library, London.


Saturn in Pisces – (time is a River that has a mind of its own..)

Quintile Uranus in Taurus…

Our dedication is our freedom.

The two hosts of Aquarius, where Pluto be stationing now! Are in the best of collaborative cahoots..


Boundaries are our freedom…

Cause we all have gifts to cultivate…and spiral into the Community on Summer Solstice…

By in-sourcing our Saturn, we create a liberating shield,

whereby that which is a distraction from our dedication, is deflected…

Into a compost pile, to become useful nutrient….


In our body

And the Community body…


  1. Rebecca Delaney says

    Hi, I have been a Trickster with Caroline for 15 years now and have on and off been able to participate in the Council. I re-enrolled in the Trickster Council in mid March. The Equinox Council and Councils on March 27th and April 3rd have occurred since I began the Trickster Council again. I am very excited for Caroline to partner with Sean O’Donoghue as I have been studying with him for numerous years, as well. Please let me know how my membership folds into what is happening with the Celtic Plants and Planets. We were assured on the last Tele Coyote Council on April 3 that our current membership would be considered during this transition. Let me know how that works. I had figured I would have been doing Monday councils through June 12 (when I originally paid for the membership, recently).

  2. Eryn Alloway says

    Absolutely! I’m glad you asked!

    All Tricksters invited to join us tonight for the Beltane Gathering (emails sent out with link, please email me directly if it did not reach you —



    And then I am just back (in a loose way) from maternity leave, our beautiful baby joined us just 2 weeks ago, so I am slowly coming back into the fold … this week Caroline and I will be reviewing everyone’s membership and coming up with options and opportunities for folks to choose how to use their remaining membership, this council will be one part of that choice from what I understand ~ more details coming soon!


    • Thanks again, Eryn, for fitting Coyote business into the busyness of Baby Tending! Once you have time, just let me know how I may pay the balance ( $380 minus $200 for my pre- paid unused Monday Council fee 🙂 so that I may join Planets and Plants and Everyone Else

Query or Blessing:
