LA Intrigue Gathering

10 Mar 2014

Graffiti Cafe
180 S. La Brea
Los Angeles, California

late-assembling, glide into place, self-assembling evening:

whalesCaroline on her way to Baja Whales
Trickster Council:
The Return of Big Momma!
whereby to conjure, animate, magnetize, and spiral forth the guiding story
of conscious collaborative kinship.

astro*politico*guiding mythos to ride this Full Moon Tide

(after hours – no food or beverages available…attend not hungry)

by donation, toss $ in hat


  1. Glad to hear you’re coming to LA! I’ve been listening to your show for years on Roy of Hollywood, KPFK, and have been hoping to see you in person at some event here in LA. Welcome to LA LA Land!

  2. karen parrish says

    Hi Caroline,

    Would love to hear a recording of the talk tonight. How does one do that from the Bay Area after 10 pm?
    Can you join the council for one night?

    Karen P

Query or Blessing:
