20 Mar 2025
Eenie Beanie, Chili Beanie. The Spirits are about to Speak!
Deliberate Dedication to Democracy
Citizen Trickster’s Vernal Guide to Saving Democracy
in a Spooky time
gather with Caroline and Ami –
experimental cahoot…to be positive spooky together
Recording · by donation
5’s – sacred to Venus be good $23, $14, $32, $5, $50, $500,$5,000
“Because you are generous, and we are worthy”(Syrian saying)
Yes! Take me to the recording
Note: After payment – wait for the page to re-load & you will be directed to the event page automatically.Should this not work – email for the link!
May we hold our centers amidst the craziness we are bearing witness to and become a participatory democracy as our ancestors once believed we could be.
What are we to DO or are we to wait?
I’m off the grid for a couple of days with uncertain phone bars. Will be vibrating with you all in the ethers, calling the wrathful dakinis to protecti the people and all Earth’s life from rampant greed and tyranny
I’m off the grid for a couple of days with uncertain phone bars. Will be vibrating with you all in the ethers, heart connected, calling the wrathful dakinis to protecti the people and all Earth’s life from rampant greed and tyranny