Autumnal Equinox Zoom

23 Sep 2024

Deliberate Dedication to Beauty
Autumnal Equinox Zoom

Caroline with Amikaeyla Gaston

Sunday, September 22nd 8 pm et/5 pm pt


by donation


Caroline delineates the astro mytho politico participatory animism – guiding Autumnal narrative, and Ami calls in all that we need :

All that is not just – into the cauldron.

I love – the word “deliberate”comes from Libra,& 2 verbs – librare – to liberate ,& libare- to balance.

So to be deliberate is to be in a state of liberating balance. Let’s deliberately toss all impediments to just Peace into cauldron !


  1. Small contribution does in no way indicate my vastness of appreciation for your very significant liberating ingenuities!

    Perfection Blessings,Selah Viva, Caroline Casey

  2. already sent thank you

  3. Will there be a recording?

Query or Blessing:
