Chi Gung Politics… Let’s set the agenda and see it now.

16 Oct 2012

Open Secret Bookstore
923 C Street
San Rafael, CA

Watch the Presidential Debates with Caroline, aspiring a’ la Mystery Science Theatre, to provide Coyote Network News Mythological Commentary and participatory telepathic juju during and after the debate: “Town Meeting, Domestic and Foreign Policy” With Caroline Casey, $20 Advance, $25 Door

Really our team wants to keep satire and spicy revelatory insight but forsake predictable, tedious, chi-sucking addiction to muggle finger-wagging. We are composting reactive snark into exhortational vision. Vocal Encouraging of the Good, Invitational, Magnetizing all-inclusive Guiding Cultural Meta-Narrative….let’s go!
Pedantic muggledom addiction to nhagn-nyah has been so strong (presume, o fellow befoibled dingbats, that really, here everyone knows what you know. Just on the table, drones, drilling, NDAA etc. bad, terrible.OK, we gotta suck the chi out of that. But this tedious default setting of righteous passivity is toxic. And actually my Dad worked for and with FDR, just as befoibled as Barack…(and wow is that a talking point of obedient indoctrination.)This is how it is… Magic is a willingness to cooperate with everything – let’s do that. (Jeez to beans)…

Tuesday October 16, 6:00 to 7:30 +

$20 Advance, $25 Door

415- 457- 4191



  1. I am not going to cross the H2Os that evening but will burn the burns and add them to your intentions for mine are the same…it would be so lovely to have you on the radio airwaves that evening as the night progresses…I am so great full you on the radio airwaves….thank you so much for all your juju.., Blessings to you all your team…In Love and Sister hood,Muin

Query or Blessing:
