Land Back as Climate Justice


Dune Lankard (Native Conservancy)

Indigenous Leadership protecting Flora Fauna Land & Sea, Caroline welcomes long-time ally, Dune Lankard, founder and president of The Native Conservancy.
Land Back as a climate justice solution is this Waxing Lunar Eclipse!
& the sacrament of Kelp.

After the Exxon spill and Alaska Native Corporations clearcutting ancestral lands in the Gulf of Alaska, followed by government buying Native lands in the name of conservation, Eyak Athabaskan Native Dune Lankard decided to form the Native Conservancy to change the way conservation was done in his Eyak homelands.


Caroline and today’s radio guest, long-time ally, Dune Lankard, rafting down Copper River

And related links to explore:

Indigenous climate efforts vital to fight against environmental destruction (ABC News)

How to source, support, and scale grassroots climate solutions (MIT Sloan)

Seaweed Farming Has Vast Potential (But Good Luck Getting a Permit) (Pew Trust)

Podcast: Kelp, condors and Indigenous conservation (



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Land Back as Climate Justice
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