Day of the Dead Election Radio

Caroline hosts two of the most deeply informed Medicine women she knows - Micah Nilsson, pragmatic mystic keeper of plant medicine, and Max Dashu, retriever and animator of the lost lore of Women’s Wisdom, that we may gather our wits, compost dread, and chicanery, ladle out calm, confidence, invoke Liberating Trickster, who likes “against all … [Read more...]

Metabolizing Toxin into Tonic:

Mythic News-Medicine Radio Caroline hosts long-time ally, Micah Nelson, master Medicine plant alchemist (for real), as we explore toxic realities: lead in water= collapsing Empire, methane leaks, that everything is telling us its story and guiding us to healing, planetary tonics and entheogenic sacraments of … [Read more...]

Winter Medicine Show

Caroline hosts wondrous alchemist ally, Micah Nelson. ( Dedicated acts of Beauty trump Tyranny. Visionary Activist Winter Fund Drive today (last day, encouraging all to pledge support!!!!) The whole show will be Medicine for all listeners, and Micah is proffering fantastic gold, saffron, rhodiola root tonic, as a pledge … [Read more...]

We’re all in this Dream Together Radio

Caroline welcomes long-time ally Micah Nilson, co-founder of Al-Kemi, market and school, creating Alchemical Medicines, derived from Paracelsus' (and more) formulas, whereby to be in collaborative cahoots with the plant realm to heal ourselves and world.Micah: "Paracelsus believed that the healing comes from imagination, faith, and prayer. … [Read more...]

Planets and Plants – Medicine Mojo for waxing tide of Nature’s Beltane Buddha’s Full Moon

Eve of New Living Expo, aka combo Hogwarts-Star Wars Bar scene, the near-great, the confidently delusional, the real, the faux real, Caroline turns to the market-place for reliable wise woman ally Micah Nelson, conversationally cavorting for good of all beings on the metaphoric an literal medicines of now for us to be our most skookum … [Read more...]