12th Night / Epiphany Astro*Mytho

12th Night / Epiphany to see the Magi arriving…(on the steps of the Capitol) Caroline welcomes 2nd generation astro*mytho practitioner, Becca Tarnas, that we inhale back this mythological date from the Dementors… and exhale its authentic liberating guiding animation. Mentors be the antidote to dementors. www.beccatarnas.com Becca Tarnas, … [Read more...]


Caroline welcomes brilliant astro*mytho colleague Becca Tarnas, that we may animate in accessible vernacular the guiding astrology*mytho guiding narrative of now, at this riptide where Science proves folk lore, and symbolic languages, like astrology, are restored to their appropriate contribution of Cultural Guiding.. Mercury (Pisces) square … [Read more...]