Coyote Council of Cultural Influence aka Trickster Training Mystery School

28 Apr 2016 until 9 Nov 2016

Hail Trickster pass!

Caroline Convenes the Trickster Training Mystery School, in cahoots with the Shift Network
aka Trickster Training Mystery School

begins Wednesday April 13th- November 9th (the day after U.S. elections-woo-hoo!)

The course, aka Caravan of Dreams, has set forth..we’re one week in…but if anyone has a fast camel they can catch up, and enroll over the next week…Bedouin Greeting, “Halloo, change your direction, and come this way!”

Gathering to Inaugurate the Guiding Meta-Narrative of Sane Reverence

Only News to trust is the Mythic News: “Conman v Trickster”

Let us be agents of liberating lucidity: the con is that which imprisons, and the Trickster is that which liberates.

Using the  profound language of astrology, we shall cultivate each Intelligence symbolized by the planets. Let’s cultivate the qualities within and without, whereby to navigate the wild shape-shifting journey of now, being maximally influential.

Let us be ever more effective players on the Team of Creation by reuniting activism with Animism, as the triumphant necessary alliance. 

May humans be willing to humbly partner with Nature’s Guiding Evolutionary Genius (aka Trickster!)

Let us be Artists of Atmosphere, gathering to cultivate an ever expanding repertoire of ingenious response, and to spiral it forth into the Memosphere (a primary realm of influence for the Compassionate Trickster within us all.) Let’s practice being agents of cool response in a hot reactive world

Register Here

Situation so dire – we can’t afford the luxury of realismThe Miraculous Impossible is the only way to go.”Agains all odds” are the odds that Trickster likes.


Query or Blessing:
