Trickster Training Tea Party (with a purpose)

29 Mar 2015

Center for Spiritual Living
1818 Felt Street
Santa Cruz, CA

hermaphroditedeeper delving to tease forth the Vernal Strategy of Saturday night’s talk

with Organic Buffet.


$50 if you wish to also attend:
astro*mytho*politico*talk*ritual*revival meeting, w/ Troubador Bard David Lynn Grimes
Saturday March 28th 7:00 pm ($20)
Both events will be held the Center for Spiritual Living

To register:


  1. Hello Caroline! Enjoy your show weekly and so glad you are coming to lovely Santa Cruz.
    I will be at both events and will enjoy basking in your glow.
    In your words: I am ready to launch a tiny wave that I hope goes viral and turns into a tsunami that will harmlessly wash Mars back into the underworld for soduko and knitting lessons. Will the sleeping giant awaken and properly respond to a new-new deal? I am going send it up the pole and see how many salute!
    Randy Z

  2. I am so incredibly excited to go to this event and hear you speak! Yes eating words drinking tea.. yummy.
    Just heard you on the Dr. Future show and I am clamoring for more.! I can’t make it Sat, but am having a Birthday Gathering that will go to late hours, if anyone wants to come by after (Paul Galen has info). I am thrilled beyond words to be able to hear you speak and hopefully meet you Caroline, and also share with you about project I think you will enjoy hearing about- The Mythic Huntress. Galactic Love.

Query or Blessing:
